Unstructured survey questions are where resorts will find the real answers when looking at their customer experience and the latest text analytics software can help uncover the true meaning.
In the final part of our Customer Feedback and Data Types mini-series, we consider the different data types business can collect and how CustomerCount can help in both collection and the analysis.
The second article in our miniseries based on the work of Anita Toth looks at customer feedback management and data types in particular medium and deep data collection techniques.
In this mini-series we take a look at the different types of customer feedback data available to business, the issues facing those collecting customer data and what data they should be collecting [...]
On Thursday, August 13, Resort Trades magazine is hosting the third interactive town hall with Lisa Kobek and Sean Coogan. The focus of this event is to assist resort operators to maintain [...]
Social listening including review sites keeps every part of the marketing machine on the right path and there are some great tools to automate the process.
Your brand reputation is more important now than ever before. And in today’s fast-paced, always-on and immediate digital world, are you prepared to be ready or to react when the reputation need arises?
Top performing companies understand the important role customer feedback. And yet, so many others choose to ignore it, believing that returning customers must be happy customers.