WRAPped up in marketing with EVC Marketing

By Georgi Bohrod, RRP/WRAP Partner

What do I have in common with Howard Bendell RRP, John Locher RRP, Carlos Marchi and Emily Collins, EVC Marketing ? We are all members of WRAP, a strong coalition of Mobius Vendor Partner (MVP) Associates, each of whom brings valuable professional expertise to create comprehensive resources to support each other and their clients.

Last year CustomerCount® launched WRAP, a detailed qualitative analysis program combining touch point sentiment and accuracy with industry expertise and insights. CustomerCount’s WRAP is specially tailored to address client’s strategic and tactical priorities, particularly those derived from feedback and surveys. The subscription-based service takes customer feedback to a new level, offering the expertise necessary to formulate conclusions and offer operationally based recommendations oriented to improve service efficiencies and drive profitability.

In context of our professional relationship under the WRAP banner, Howard Bendell’s expertise rests primarily in qualitative analysis.  John Locher of Locher and Associates is an expert in membership/ownership engagement and business development.  And Carlos Marchi, CustomerCount EVP of Mexico and Latin America, has years of experience in contact center compliance.

About EVC Marketing

Which brings us to Emily Collins, of EVC Marketing — WRAP’s digital marketing expert. She has operated within the travel/timeshare market for over 25 years. Due to this long term experience with numerous developers as well as service providers such as RCI, Interval International, DaE, RDO and TATOC, Emily and her colleague John Heffernan understand the very specific issues facing developers, resorts and exchange companies. EVC’s deep background in all aspects of the digital marketing spectrum  puts them at the cutting edge of business to business market development.

In addition to revamping the CustomerCount website for easier mobile access, and enhancing its visibility on the web, her part on the WRAP team is geared to promoting CustomerCount®’s Customer Feedback Management system on the international radar.

About CustomerCount

The system, available in 40 different languages, is the only enterprise feedback management system designed specifically for the leisure travel industry. It is easily adaptable to gather information for numerous industries and a plethora of purposes. 

Emily, a UK citizen currently residing in Barbados, is carrying the message that CustomerCount is a multi-lingual platform, available in 40 languages.  Clearly, CustomerCount is an ideal fit for the international marketplace and Emily’s international connections are moving the survey system to new horizons.

MVP launched CustomerCount® in 2007 for a major timeshare exchange company.  Since then,  the acceptance of the platform has been widespread in the global  hospitality sector and other industries as well. An enterprise customer feedback system, CustomerCount is a flexible solution providing intuitive real time reporting, fast turnaround on updates, detailed and dynamic data gathering with comprehensive reporting for process improvement and customer loyalty to impact the bottom line.

With the WRAP brain trust poised to assist CustomerCount, each other and our clients, we can exponentially increase our depth of services and know-how.

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