On-Site Service Request Concierge Web App improves CX

Are you keeping up with the speed of technology change? Not sure? You’re not alone.

Technology is changing every aspect of our lives, and the hospitality industry is no exception. Indeed, with the sector trying to bounce-back after COVID, hospitality is leading the charge in the adoption of smart technology.

What is SMART technology?

Smart technology is an umbrella term used to describe interconnected devices that perform relatively normal functions by creating a layer of technology between the user and their device.

A smart device like a smartphone is able to do many of the things that a computer does, for example, to connect to the internet and use the software.

From operations to customer experience to marketing, this new smart technology offers a variety of cost savings, revenue opportunities and safety measures such as remote check-in and virtual concierge.

Smart technology enables hotels and resorts to:

  • Provide additional COVID safety protocols
  • Increase profitability
  • Improve guest experience
  • Offer guest reassurance
  • Enhance employee experience
  • Offer online concierge services

Smart technology developments from CustomerCount® are designed to help YOU improve your customer experience and provide a new level of COVID safety.

Welcome to the functionality of the CustomerCount On-site Service Request (OSR) web app.

What is the On-Site Service Request Concierge web app?

The OSR web app puts the power of instant customer service DIRECTLY into your guest’s hands (or their smartphone to be specific).

The service provides hotels and resorts with real-time alerts to meet the immediate needs of their guests anywhere and at any time.

The result?

Improved customer service levels, excellent customer experience and, for COVID-cautious travelers, a reduction in face-to-face contact with staff members.

Here’s how the On-site Service Request Concierge web app works

At check-in:

  • Guest is offered – via text, QR code or your web site – a web app for services
  • Guest is now web-enabled to request services upon arrival

The traditional option:

  • Your guest is away from the property
  • They would like extra towels available on their return
  • They either:
    • Visit reception on their return to ask in-person
    • Telephone housekeeping when in the apartment
  • The result is that there is no specific timeline for delivery of the required towels.

Using the Onsite-Service Request:

  • Your guest is away from the property
  • They would like extra towels available on their return
  • You offer your guests access to OSR via their preferred option;
    • A QR code available in the unit
    • A branded webpage
    • On your own website or
    • Using SMS to send a message
  • The guest completes the short Service Request Form asking for extra towels and when they would like them delivered

Once the form is submitted:

  • An email alert immediately notifies the correct department
  • The guest request is logged and actioned within your hotel or resort specific internal processes.
  • Housekeeping is informed and the towels are delivered as requested
  • Guests return, towels are in place and your guests are delighted with the fantastic customer service.
  • A brilliant addition and improvement to your customer service with a few taps on a smartphone.
  • Seamless, safe, secure and excellent customer service.

The added benefits include:

  • Covid-safe – less in-person interaction
  • Greater potential for positive guest reviews
  • Enhanced brand authority
  • Modern smart technology integration
  • Improved employee experience and efficiency

The OSR works on any mobile device, supports over 40 languages and can be customized to meet your specific branding specifications. And since it is a web app, there is nothing to download, which more and more guests appreciate.

Offering a concierge system like our OSR adds to a better guest experience which in turns add to the loyalty you are always working to achieve.

On-site Service Request Web App

Manage your online reputation

Of course, the Onsite-Service Request web app provides resorts with the ability to service the needs of their guests promptly and efficiently.

However, at a time when a negative review can have a long-lasting damaging impact on your online reputation, the OSR does so much more.

Resorts and hotels now have immediate access to any guest concerns and the opportunity to manage service issues BEFORE the client posts a negative review.

Not only does this turn a potential problem into an avenue for improved customer satisfaction and ongoing loyalty, but it also provides a positive image for your property.

Your guests know that you are just a few clicks away from resolving any issue that they have – and all without any face-to-face interaction. This tool provides them with the reassurance that you care about their vacation and want to do all that you can so they can continue to enjoy their guest experience.

The OSR is a great tool utilizing smart technology to generate positivity and loyalty about your brand – and that will lead to greater loyalty which leads to improved profits.

And don’t just take our word for it:

CustomerCount’s On-Site Service Request solution provides a convenient way for our guests to quickly and easily tell us what we can do to make their stays more enjoyable.

With just a “click of a button” guests can tell us what they need. Real-time email alerts notify staff of guest requests so we can take immediate steps to ensure their satisfaction.

Our guests appreciate the ease of use and the fact that we want to know of any concerns or needs they have. And we appreciate the ability to respond while they are still on the property – further showcasing our commitment to providing a quality guest experience.”

Ann Donahue, Senior Vice President, Resort Operations, Raintree Resorts International

Find out more

At any given time, there are multiple opportunities to provide an excellent customer service experience:

  • In-room
  • Poolside
  • Restaurant and bar
  • Spa
  • Guest services
  • Housekeeping
  • Maintenance

The OSR tool allows your guests to make requests, provide feedback and report any problems (before they become an issue).

When customer satisfaction and safety is more critical than ever, the OSR gives your staff the ability to deliver on your commitments.

To find out more about the On-Site Service Request web app from CustomerCount, contact Bob Kobek on [email protected] or telephone 317-816-6000.

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