Why relying on assumptions is bad for your business

By Yuri Duncan, WRAP Partner and CEO, Buchanan Creative Solutions

We all know at least one good saying about assumptions, and they’re simply never a good idea.

Making assumptions based on stereotypes will almost always lead to miscommunication and poor relationships.

I recall a visit to the historical West Baden Springs Hotel in French Lick, Indiana. It was a beautiful day as we wound our way through the giant porch that surrounded the hotel. The hotel was built over a century ago, and the level of craftsmanship was astounding.

While admiring the work that went into creating such a beautiful structure, I overheard the sound of a heated exchange. A pair of younger guests was greatly concerned with the fact that the swastika symbol, largely associated with Adolph Hitler and World War 2, was embedded throughout the metal works that made up the porch railing.

Familiar with the hotel and its past, I pointed them towards a sign hanging near the metal work: “The West Baden Springs Hotel Veranda Railing was constructed in 1915, long before the Swastika Symbol was used in WW II. Many cultures throughout the past 3,000 years utilized the Swastika Symbol to represent Life, Sun, Power, Strength, and Good Luck.”

After learning of this historical fact, the pair appeared relieved and went on their way, presumably enjoying the rest of their stay.

The danger of assumptions

This small story illustrates the dangers of making assumptions.  Had they not noticed the explanatory note regarding the railing, the guests could have assumed many horrible, and false things about the West Baden Springs Hotel. 

Even worse, they could have shared their assumptions on social media, creating a reputation nightmare for the hotel, and wasting time and resources as well.  In the end, the guests may have found themselves embarrassed to learn the results of their false assumptions.

In the timeshare industry, it’s not just the guests who are in danger of making poor assumptions.  In an environment where managing reserve funds is a science that can make or break a property, making blind assumptions about how best to spend those funds is a roadmap to disaster. 

One would need to understand the ever-evolving technology needs of the millennials, the legacy needs of the boomers, and the nuanced interests of Gen X in order to operate purely on assumptions.  None of us have that luxury.

Feedback vs assumptions

One way that anyone, anywhere, in any industry can mitigate the risks of the deadly Assumption is to simply ask your customers what it is they want from you and your product. 

Gaining feedback directly from “the Sources Mouth” is the single best way to understand their needs and respond accordingly. 

Are you regularly asking your customers what they want and need from your product?

Using modern survey techniques allows your business to solicit and gather customer feedback on their terms, in the mode they wish to interact.  If gathering this feedback isn’t part of your current decision-making process, then the CustomerCount feedback management platform is the perfect solution for you. 

Our feedback collection services ensure your customers are telling you what they need and allow you to gather that data through reporting to provide the concrete evidence to spend reserve funds wisely.

Why choose CustomerCount?

CustomerCount is clearly committed to fostering engagement across multiple channels.

Their survey platform provides a seamless experience for engaging your customers. And their ongoing communication strategy provides viewers with a wide range of inviting and effective video content.

Enhance your feedback management systems across the board by visiting the CustomerCount channel on YouTube

Once you’ve had a chance to watch the power of CustomerCount in action, contact Bob Kobek now for further information about CustomerCount’s survey solutions on +1 317-816-6000.

About Yuri Duncan

Yuri Duncan is an award winning filmmaker and president of Buchanan Creative Solutions, LLC – a video production company specializing in producing affordable and effective videos. His skills and accomplishments as an artist and leader are what drive him to provide high quality services through Buchanan Creative Solutions.

With a proven record in design, illustration, animation, editing, and management, Yuri oversees all projects, no matter how large or small, to ensure the end-result fulfills your vision.

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