What Departments Should Weigh in on Survey Questions?


What Departments Should Weigh in on Survey Questions?
By: Marc E. Carlson, RRP
CustomerCount© Business Relationship Manager

Obtaining company-wide support of a VOC program can be difficult challenge so why not involve more departments?

At the onset of developing questions for a company branded survey, the first objective is to determine what you want to get out of your customer feedback program. Is it to identify areas of improvement within the customer services call center or possibly understand if your customers are aware of additional product offerings? Other objectives could be to understand how your customer wants to receive future communications regarding account status, marketing information, or receiving a customer feedback invitation. Whatever your objectives may be, it would be wise to solicit decision-makers from multiple departments within your organization for their input on question development. The more departments you have participating in survey question development will increase the number of executives who will champion the VOC program internally and encourages usage of the customer intelligence gathered on a more regular basis.

Those who manage corporate VOCs program are often asked about the ROI of the program. If you have more departments contributing to the construction of survey questions, it would seem logical that the ROI will increase because you have more interested parties reviewing survey results periodically due to their previous input. more departments that become involved in your VOC program will translate into better cross communications amongst your departments and provide better insights into the overall picture of driving revenue for your firm. Instead of departments working in silos, they will begin working together as a cohesive unit. At the end of the day, you want all departments working together for a common goal….protect and increase market share.

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