Leverage the Survey Thank You Page


Leverage the Survey Thank You Page
By: Marc E. Carlson, RRP
CustomerCount© Business Relationship Manager

Survey “thank you” pages do not receive enough attention in driving brand name recognition let alone position a marketing message directed to the consumer. The majority of thank you pages I see simply thank the customer for their time in a sentence or two and that is it. Why would you not take advantage of this opportunity to share with the customer future product development initiatives, an incentive for their time, or direct them to a particular page on your corporate website? The thank you page can give you a lot of flexibility in positioning your brand with additional offers, discounted or not, or suggest the customer join the ranks of those who follow and like you on Facebook or LinkedIn to name a couple. Finally, this page is a great venue for allowing the customer to opt-in for future communications which will make your Marketing department very happy.

A well designed thank you page can be a lead generator for the products and services you provide whether in a B2B or B2C environment. Display images to tell a story and incorporate those images with content providing a brief description of an added value feature you have. Then, provide a link to one of your web pages that will more eloquently describe the product and/or service. If you have a white paper that goes into detail about the features and benefits of an existing product or service, place a link on the thank you page to that white paper which probably resides on your website. I bet after the customer reads that white paper they will make a couple more clicks on your website per due diligence. Now you allow the organization’s website to enhance brand awareness and possibly drive future spend.

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