Employee Experience vs Employee Engagement

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By Courtney Scott, Mobius Vendor Partners

Employee Experience vs Employee Engagement. Both are critical in defining the employee value proposition, but independently are different to distinguish, and are equally essential, for leadership teams and HR organizations to understand and strategize.

Employee engagement is a component of employee experience (EX) along with total rewards (all things finance related to employees, including benefits and wellness programs), access to technology, information flow, internal behavioral norms, inclusion & diversity within an organization, and other employee-related topics.

Employee engagement is an assessment of how involved and committed employees are to an organization. Employee engagement is often measured in assessing the level of participation in benefits programs, attendance at company events and level of employee involvement in different initiatives. 

Employee engagement is also sometimes misconstrued to correlate to employee motivation, which it is not. There are a host of reasons why employees behave and engage – a topic for another blog.

EX strives to understand what it feels like to be an employee within a specific department, functional area, and organization. EX is an organization’s secret sauce for creating a powerful and long-lasting employee value proposition that will encourage loyalty, higher productivity, and positive financial returns.

EX goes beyond participation and is a leading indicator of understanding employee motivation. Employee experience is how:

  • The inclusivity and diversity of the organization’s culture contribute to my experience.
  • Connected I feel to the purpose and strategy of my organization. 
  • I feel when I am a valued part of this organization.

Once leadership teams and HR organizations have a full understanding and appreciation of the current employee experience, effective employee resource strategies may be developed. Underlying tactics may then be implemented to materialize beyond transactional HR plans and drive impactful investments leading to the future sustainability of the organization.

How can CustomerCount help with your EX?

CustomerCount can help you find out. Contact Courtney Scott or Bob Kobek today on (317) 816-6000 to find out more about our Employee Experience (EX) program[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column] [/et_pb_row] [/et_pb_section]

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