Enterprise Feedback Management – The New Wave

By Howard Bendell, WRAP Partner and independent resort advisor

It is no real surprise that different organizations tend to view their own research and customer feedback priorities differently.

In today’s ever-changing techno-environment, a “one-off” survey or a periodic approach to measuring customer satisfaction may provide the answer those companies and organizations need.

But what about those who have a more focused approach to customer satisfaction, or have a longer-term view to how customer feedback management might influence the development of their products, expansion of their services or creation of strategic priorities?

The answer lies in enterprise feedback management.

What is enterprise feedback management?

Enterprise Feedback Management is more than just an industry buzz-term. It is a formalized way to introducing the processes and practices necessary to manage an organizationally focused research and analysis program. A coordinated effort that dedicates both human and organizational resources in order to regularly and routinely solicit first-hand, direct to consumer (or end-user) reaction and opinion – tactically driven by the survey or focus group underlying it.

Enterprise feedback management is core to helping supporting organizations focus upon and achieve their strategic goals and priorities. 

Effectively designed and deployed, such a program will define the specific attributes to be studied, establish the timeline upon which to deploy survey solicitations and collect vital customer feedback information and data, and outline the characteristics unique to the targeted sample population. 

A coordinated program may also help in establishing a working dialogue with other actors and beneficiaries of collected research data – be they employees, departmental management staffs, service providers and vendors, and customers alike. 

Beyond the dissemination and collection of surveyed data, an enterprise feedback management program can also aid in the structuring, presentation and analysis associated with data reporting.  Hence, it is a coordinated “cradle-to-grave” approach to defining, seeking, collecting, and reporting upon user opinion and guidance.

Enterprise Feedback Management Tools

Whether it is recognized as such or not, organizations relying upon data collection platforms such as CustomerCount® are already engaged in the use of enterprise feedback management.  And CustomerCount affords its clients with all of the tools and resources necessary to deploy an effective and efficient feedback management system. 

The simple advantage to the client?  Consistent data collection and reporting that is easily distributed to key stakeholders, reductions in the level of survey and respondent fatigue, and maintained in a structure that will likely eliminate or eradicate duplicative costs due to redundant tools and processes. 

Enterprise Feedback Management systems are relied upon by organizations of all sizes and scales – principally to solicit, centrally manage and analyze data obtained from key stakeholders. 

There are ever increasing, sophisticated, Enterprise Feedback Management tools and software available to survey feedback into actionable data and to ensure that results are presented to the appropriate teams, thus enabling them to respond to continuously evolving user feedback, opinion and guidance. 

About CustomerCount

CustomerCount is a feature-rich, cloud-based enterprise feedback survey solution providing intuitive real-time reporting and detailed dynamic data gathering capabilities. It supports process improvement efforts, builds customer loyalty and improves ROI. CustomerCount was initially designed for the hospitality and contact center industries and is now used by organizations across numerous different vertical markets and industries. Follow them on LinkedIn or Facebook.

You can read more about enterprise feedback management and download their whitepapers on the subject here.

About Howard Bendell

Howard A. Bendell, RRP is an independent resort advisor, who brings more than 25 years of combined resort real estate ownership experience to aid his clients. Throughout his career, Bendell has been actively involved in the development and implementation of key strategic initiatives, new programs and products, and has managed industry and consumer-based research efforts. 

His areas of specialty include consumer-centric industry research and the design and implementation of flexible use vacation products.  For more information, contact Mr. Bendell at 305-282-3269 or via email at [email protected]

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