Every day is International Client’s Day

International Client’s Day – A day designed specifically for business to say thank you.

At CustomerCount®, every day is International Client’s Day. A day designed specifically for business to say thank you. A day dedicated to clients – arguably, the most valuable part of any organization.

This year, March 19th, was International Clients Day.

A wise man once said: “Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.” And he is correct, of course. Keep your employees happy and that happiness will be passed on to your customers.

But International Client’s Day should make all of us take look at ourselves, our business practices and ask some key questions.

Are our customer policies really as client friendly as they could be? Do we give our clients the very best experience every day? Are our activities based on what’s best for us as a business, or what is best for the customer? How loyal are our clients? Can we do better?

Of course, the best way to find out is with a customer survey. At CustomerCount, we agree the Net Promoter Score (NPS) is still one of the best universal indicators of client loyalty, happiness and satisfaction.

By employing just two simple questions, CustomerCount can quantify how loyal your customers are and identify which customers are in danger of leaving you.

Not only does the NPS survey recognize customers (detractors and passives) who require further follow up and support, it’s a great way to acknowledge your promoters, thank them and build on their loyalty and positivity about your brand.

A poor NPS score could also just be the motivator an organization needs to improve the products and services they offer consumers.

The NPS survey is quick and simple to set up on CustomerCount’s cloud-based platform and the results are easy to understand. CustomerCount takes the guesswork out of customer loyalty and provide you with actionable information to use on a daily basis.

And, we have additional professional assistance on hand through our WRAP program partners (Worldwide Research Analytics Program) (link to WRAP), a group of independent minds and businesses brought together by Bob Kobek and CustomerCount.

So, if you want to take your data analysis to the next level or if your NPS results have flagged up issues affecting your resort’s online reputation. We have skilled specialists to provide industry-specific observations, strategies and advice.

But why not do your business a favor and find out what your clients really think – then improve your processes, focus on your clients’ needs and exceed their expectations.

To set up your Net Promotor Score survey in a matter of minutes, give us a call and we’ll walk you through it. You can call us on 317-816-6900 or email Bob on [email protected].