6 Considerations for Your Voice of Customer Program By Ben Oldham, Keatext Mobius Vendor Partners is proud to partner with Keatext, the provider of our AI text analytics tool used in our [...]
Keep Your Focus on the End Goal By MobiusVP Sponsored Triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry Earlier this year our MobiusVP-sponsored professional triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry suffered a hip injury that [...]
Measurement in Survey Design: It’s Not for Novices! By Dr. Simon Crawford-Welch, Founder, The Critical Thought Lab Follow me at www.linkedin.com/in/simoncrawfordwelch Creating a great survey is [...]
It Took a Minute (My Take on AI) By Georgi Bohrod Gordon, RRP So, here’s the thing. For the past year we’ve been discussing the advent of A.I. at a very high level. What will it mean? How will [...]
Do your employees know how their productivity is measured? By Michael W. Hill, Mobius Vendor Partners Executive Consultant, Author of Measuring to Manage I’m often asked why you should measure an [...]
By Jennifer Adamany, Director of Communications, Better Business Bureau Serving Central Indiana As a business owner, one of the easiest ways to get started with artificial intelligence (AI) is in [...]
By Nicole Cable, Chief Experience Officer for IGNITE, HX and member of the MobiusVP Advisory Board The significance of human experience and patient experience within the realm of healthcare [...]
By MobiusVP Sponsored Triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry Earlier this year our MobiusVP-sponsored professional triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry suffered a hip injury that derailed his year and altered his [...]
By Dr. Simon Crawford-Welch Founder, The Critical Thought Lab Follow me at www.linkedin.com/in/simoncrawfordwelch The field of survey research is evolving so fast that the chase for the purest [...]
By Jennifer Adamany, Director of Communications, Better Business Bureau Serving Central Indiana Your customers have a right to know how you handle their personal data. Whether you are processing [...]