Preparation, Measurement Key to Achieving Success

By Dr. Malachi Henry, Mobius VP-Sponsored Professional Triathlete

Our last triathlon of the year went off with a bang! We had our personal best Half Ironman time of 3:56 and that got us 10th place in Augusta, Georgia.

There was a lot of effort and preparation for this race as it was this year’s “A” race.

Much like in business, preparation and measurement were key. We did test runs as simulations of what the race would be like. We measured workouts to see what paces I could hold for that distance. For the bike, I ended up averaging 26.5 mph for 56.2 miles. We were able to go by the number of what I did in practice and feel confident I could do the same for race day!

 Patients-Count by Mobius Vendor Partners is proud to sponsor Professional Triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry and help shine a spotlight on how Measuring to Manage can help your business. Learn more at