Are You Prepared for a Data Breach?

Is your company prepared in the event of a data breach?

According to a 2022 IBM and Ponemon report, 83 percent of companies have experienced a data breach at some point. Unfortunately, it’s most likely not a matter of if, but when.

At Mobius VP, LLC, we recognize the growing and shifting landscape of internal and external security threats. The protection of our client data is our highest priority.

That’s why we employ rigorous security standards and policies, and comply with international, federal, state and local regulations, contractual obligations, and industry best practices.

Despite this, we know we are not immune from a potential cyber attack. If a breach of our system does occur, we have a data breach response and notification policy in place and ready to deploy. You should too!

 Many states, including Indiana where Mobius VP is domiciled, have data breach notification laws on the books that require companies impacted by a breach to report the breach and notify customers.

Indiana recently strengthened its data breach notification law and now requires companies to report a data breach to the Attorney General’s Office within 45 days of discovery of the breach.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the laws in the states where you are located or do business, and we can help.

Mobius VP, LLC contracts with Hallowell Consulting on our data breach notification policies and procedures. If you are interested, they offer a customized security breach notification plan that includes deploying breach notices as required under state and federal regulations, including notice to your impacted customers

If you are interested in this service, please contact Molly Gillaspie at [email protected] and copy Bob Kobek, President of Mobius VP, LLC at [email protected]. You can also call 219-508-9876.

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