Engaging owners through feedback tools

If you missed the presentation from Lisa Kobek, EVP Client Services and Operations at CustomerCount®, at the recent Resort Trades Town Hall, you can view and download it here.

Download the presentation here: Engaging owners through feedback tools

Lisa explained how increasing and improving customer engagement is the highway to loyalty. It creates an:

  • Emotional connection with customers
  • Transforms customers to “true believers”
  • Applies to every “stop” along the way
  • Enhances customer experience
  • Builds loyalty

And it makes financial sense too:

  • 95 per cent of customers are looking for proactive communication
  • 83 per cent of companies that believe it’s important to engage with the customer will experience revenue growth
  • 54 per cent of customers satisfied with problem handling are fully engaged
  • Prior to social networking, 7-15 people tell about an unsatisfactory experience
  • Average social media user reaches 200 people with a post about an unsatisfactory experience

Lisa identified the different touchpoints through a customer’s journey which can be used for measurable customer engagement. This included at purchase, pre-arrival and check-out.

While this can be done through written surveys and feedback forms, it is more effective if undertaken through online feedback tools which offer:

  • Maximum flexibility
  • Efficient/Effective deployment (Email, SMS, URL)
  • Automated compilation and analysis
  • Real-time availability of response data
  • Timely response to feedback

Lisa completed her presentation explaining the importance of developing the right questions and warned about not complying with data compliance rules and regulations.

If you would like to find out more about engaging with your customers through feedback tools and develop your own feedback program, give Bob Kobek a call on 317-816-6000 or complete the contact form.

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