The Customer Makes a Company

By Shannon Rankin, CustomerCount℠ Intern

With the landscape of customer engagement vastly changing by mobile devices, there are new challenges to face. People want information and they want it now. When people travel they want to know the best places to stay, the best places to eat, and the best ways to travel. People read reviews before committing to a product or a company because they want to know what they’re getting themselves involved in.

CustomerCount℠ helps companies tackle those challenges by creating surveys to fit their specific needs. The better you know what your customers really want, the better you can provide more relevant services and/or products. With customer engagement comes the responsibility to not just grow business but to grow relationships with your clients.

With this kind of feedback, companies can become better businesses. It’s a chance to really hone in on what their customers need. It also helps a business learn about what they’re doing right and what areas they need to improve on. Studies show that the more loyal customer is actually the one who complained and then had their problem resolved. This builds trust because it gives them a chance to see that a company cared enough to listen.

It’s more than just a one way street here at CustomerCount. Not only are we concerned about helping our clients better engage with their clients, but we are always looking for ways to ensure we also stay engaged with our own clients. After all, the customer makes a company.



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