Collecting Customer Data is One Task, Then the Work Really Begins

Collecting Customer Data is One Task, Then the Work Really Begins
By: Marc E. Carlson
CustomerCountSM Business Relationship Manager

Organizations collect an immense amount of customer data these days. They strive to obtain all kinds of data for the purpose of relationship development,to identify future selling opportunities and build a reservoir of data for future marketing campaigns to name a few. There is money to be made with any and all customer data, we just need to segment data better and more often to monetize our past efforts and share the results enterprise wide. The more eyes looking at the data is surely to result in an “aha” moment which can be shared through proper communication channels for further analysis. Segmentation and data analysis is the key in monetizing customer data, but far too often we do not spend enough time in this task because we give priority to other responsibilities. Ask yourself; “what other way can I segment our customer data that would substantiate or dispel data analysis findings?” Adding one more data segmentation to your Voice of the Customer program will give you that edge in the marketplace you are looking to achieve.

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