CustomerCount helping Trident Business Managment's clientele

! (Trident Business Management)!

CustomerCount was built as an “customer engagement solution”: to assist in gathering and analyzing customer feedback 24/7 so informed decisions can be made about customer service or product offerings. Another example of our outreach in the shared ownership industry is the relationship we have with Trident Business Management. A recent article from mentions how CustomerCount is helping Trident Business Management’s clientele gather customer intelligence for strategic planning purposes.

HOA solutions available to solve industry problems

Trident has also bundled an advanced survey communications tool into its arsenal. “CustomerCount”: by Mobius Vendor Partners can be used by small and large resorts to stay in touch with their customers and track important revenue-producing preferences. Without knowing what your customers want and need, it can be difficult to create and deliver revenue programs to support a resort’s budgetary needs. Trident assumes the cost of installing CustomerCount for its Solution Set clients.

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