CustomerCount’s customer feedback management can be utilized in a wide range of markets. From hospitality to call center to education and employee engagement, understanding the views and experiences of everyone involved can be truly beneficial in every sector of life.


Designed Specifically for the Hospitality Industry

Most professionals in the hospitality industry have the goal of treating their guests in a warm, friendly and generous way. And, if they are not treated that way, the social media platforms will ensure the entire world knows about it. This is one market where knowing what your customers are thinking about their experience is essential.

Whether or not you are asking the guest for feedback, you are being surveyed, right now. Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, TripAdvisor – all of them are there for the convenience of the guest. And one poorly treated guest has the power to tell a lot of people – quickly.

Be the first to ask them about their experience by ensuring your survey is in your customer’s digital inbox by the time he/she gets home. Ask about every touch point of their experience. From check in to check out. How was the room? How was the service? How were the restaurants? How was room service? Were the amenities as you expected? You ask it and they will tell you. They want to tell you.

The CustomerCount Product Experience module identifies and delivers information that is immediately actionable internally, and with our Problem Resolution report, you can communicate directly with that guest, immediately.

With more than 70 Report Templates CustomerCount Measures Every Guest Touch

Contact Center Market

Add More Accountability and Improve Process Simultaneously

The role of the contact center in business today is more critical than ever. Particularly as it relates to delivering both service and marketing messages. Measuring the attributes of telephone contact with customers is both fundamental and key.

  • Measure the Customer Call Experience;
  • Measure your Internal Processes;
  • Measure your Improvement;
  • Measure Greater Efficiency; and
  • Reduce Agent Turnover.

Contact center management requires quality control, training, regular process improvement and feedback at every level – including to the agent on the phone. Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) has long been a basic function. However, tracking those KPI’s with reliance on the agent disposition code only delivers 50 per cent of the information needed. The rest of the guidance should be based on the customer experience.

Specific Reports for Specific KPI’s

An example of how effective CustomerCount is in providing actionable data is our Management Drill Down Report. This report identifies precise areas of improvement for your agents. It helps both QA and training know exactly who to train and what to train. With 70 + contact center report templates, there is no amount of segmentation on the experience CustomerCount cannot provide.

Standard Reports

For the Enterprise Center

The point to all enterprise contact centers is to improve the customer experience and ensure customer loyalty. CustomerCount has proven time after time that its robust data capturing and reporting supports your ability to enhance the customer experience.

For the Business Process Outsoucer (BPO)

BPO’s are always competing for business. With CustomerCount’s dynamic real-time reporting and subsequent ability to ensure accountability, BPOs or service agencies have found CustomerCount to be a huge differentiator in their never-ending quest to attract and keep clients.

Direct Contact Center Expertise

CustomerCount was designed, in large part, for the contact center industry.  As one of the principals of CustomerCount is a globally recognized contact center subject matter expert. Our clients are assured the best call center practices will be taken into account when we customize your voice of the customer feedback system.


Sales Experience: Enrollment Compliance

The government crackdown on enrollment tactics and non-compliance issues in the for-profit education marketplace is more aggressive than ever. And is one of the markets where CustomerCount can assist.

Are you looking for a compliance solution for your university, college, or educational institution? CustomerCount can help. We provide a survey solution that will enable you to monitor and ensure compliance. Collect direct feedback from your students, such as:

  • Does the student fully understand the cost of the program?
  • Is the student aware of all of the variables that can cause costs to increase?
  • Do students understand that credits earned are unlikely to transfer to another institution?
  • Does the student understand the University can assist but not guarantee a job or a salary level?
  • Does the student have any concerns about the enrollment process?

Take the mess out of paper applications for graduation by letting CustomerCount administer your applications online. With secure logins for each student and customized reporting we get you the information you need while saving valuable time and money.

Employee Engagement

“If you look after your staff, they’ll look after your customers. It’s that simple”.

Many will recognize one of the most famous quotes from entrepreneur Richard Branson. CustomerCount has introduced a new online tool that collects and measures your employee experience. The Talent Experience Measurement System, developed by Mobius, allows you to measure performance, experience, communication, quality and engagement of each employee.

You can measure employee:

  • Hiring;
  • On-boarding;
  • Performance;
  • Experience;
  • Communication;
  • Quality;
  • Engagement; and
  • Exit 360

Other Speciality Markets


Feedback is critical for all healthcare providers to understand how their patients perceive them and the service they provide. This, in turn, helps improve the quality of care and patient satisfaction — and ultimately aids in new patient acquisition and retention. Once all of this is working in a virtuous cycle, healthcare practices will see increased revenue and growth. Patient feedback:

  • Boosts online reputation;
  • Helps providers determine what patients want;
  • Helps give better care; and
  • Creates an open culture of communication

Political Constituent Engagement

This is simply a case of understanding your constituents in order to better govern and build campaigns that address the issues that matter. Through customer feedback you can determine the issues your constituents care about, develop campaigns that mean something to them and create engagement that leads to action.


The rationale for agencies to improve the citizen experience is powerful. Incorporating customer feedback in government operations can close the gap between services offered and what customers need, offer improved access to information when and where customers need it, and can uncover outdated processes that are contributing to inefficiencies.


Collecting customer feedback is crucial to improving your business because it provides your team with a better understanding of your customers wants and needs. It can also help identify their level of satisfaction with your products or services. Analyzing customer feedback is an excellent way to identify what business improvements need to be made to reap a high ROI. Some helpful questions to include in your retail customer feedback survey include:

  • Did the store have everything you needed in stock?
  • Did you enjoy the selections of products?
  • Did you easily find what you need?
  • Are store prices fair?
  • How likely are you to recommend this store to others (Net Promoter Score)?
  • How would you rate our service overall?
  • What merchandise would you like to see offered?
  • Why do you shop at this store?
  • What do you like most about the store?
  • What would you like to change?

Financial Services

In a recent study, just 45 per cent of financial services clients have been actively asked for feedback in the last 12 months. And yet, when asked, over half of financial services customers currently feel that providers treat them unfairly. There is an appetite for customers to have their voices heard. The review sites are testament to this. Customer feedback is vital in the financial services sector. Not only does it help in improving services and growing market share, it demonstrates FCA compliance.