BBB Understands Measurement

From time to time, the Better Business Bureau® publishes a report on a specific industry. Recently (2023) they took a deep dive into Timesharing and Vacation Clubs. Full disclosure: as a Board Member of the Central Indiana BBB and former recipient of the coveted BBB Torch Award, Mobius VP President Bob Kobek has a special affinity to the organization. Although CustomerCount© was not directly involved in its creation and there is a lot we don’t agree with, the BBB report on “Unpacking Timeshare and Vacation Club Sales” identifies capturing immediate feedback as its top recommendation, which can be found on Page 7 of the report:




Respected business associations such as the BBB know you can’t manage what you don’t measure. This has been our mantra for more than 25 years.

See the report here

For more information on measuring customer satisfaction in industries such as hospitality and health, as well as employee satisfaction, contact us: [email protected].


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