Grit, Perseverance Win the Day

By MobiusVP Sponsored Triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry 

In November, I had the opportunity to participate in the New York City marathon as a guide runner for Special Olympian Josh Holley. 

Josh is a fantastic young man who can run REALLY fast despite several physical and developmental challenges, including Autism. 

Josh is currently competing in the Abbott World Marathon Majors Six Star Challenge. He is aiming to run all six world marathons (Boston, Chicago, New York City, London, Berlin, and Tokyo) and earn the Six Star medal.

Josh qualified and participated in the Boston and Chicago marathons earlier this year. In Chicago, he was the first Special Olympic athlete to run the course in under 3 hours.

As we headed to New York, Josh faced some tough challenges. He been battling a hip injury and recently had sinus surgery. But despite the pain and suffering, Josh overcame it all and finished the race! 

As an athlete, we have good days and bad days. But we grow, learn, make changes and get better!

My job as a guide runner is to make sure Josh is pacing himself, fueling along the run, and having a friend and companion to feel safe along the 26.2 mile journey. Measuring progress and making incremental adjustments/improvements are key to helping him across the finish line.

Josh is determined to become the first Special Olympic athlete and youngest runner to achieve the Six Star Challenge.


If you’d like to support Josh and the team, please consider donating to Josh’s Go Fund Me at this link.

Patients-Count by Mobius Vendor Partners is proud to sponsor Professional Triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry and share the importance of Measuring to Manage. Learn more at  


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