Tis the Season: Why ARDA – Why any Convention?

By: Robert Kobek, RRP, President

Mobius VP, LLC.

Conferences, conventions, regional meetings and local chapters all have one thing in common – business development opportunities. The attendees, like me, are looking for new money and looking to protect old money. Prospect and clients both have places of honor in our company. 

As with any NPS – there are promoters, passives and detractors about membership and attendance to trade association events. In one year, I will attend HIMSS National, HIMSS Local, Spring ARDA, Fall ARDA, ARDA-ROC TBMA, SHSMD, the ITIA, AMA and a few others that will crop up. 

And there are 2 predominant cycles, the spring and fall shows. 

We are headed to the Spring ARDA convention at the end of March and as I was just discussing it with a colleague it is one that at one time was absolutely very rich hunting grounds. As in the health care market, consolidation has had the consequence of shrinking the market Not the sales of timeshare, rather the prospects for new clients. That is the downside. 

The upside – sales of new product enhancements to existing customers, the extending good will, socializing with longtime friends, making new ones, and importantly supporting the only association that serves the industry we happen to serve.  

If you are attending, see you there. If you play in the resort industry and aren’t attending, I will find out what your clients and prospect are being told because I will know what our clients and prospects are learning and being told. Advantage – ME!

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