Make the Most of Data of Your CustomerCount® Data with Salesforce and Metabrands

Mobius VP, developer of CustomerCount®, has entered a strategic marketing and technology partnership with Metabrands Next Gen Solutions. Metabrands is a Certified Salesforce® Consulting Partner and the foremost authorized reseller of Salesforce CRM for the timeshare/hospitality sector. 

As part of our growing suite of services, CustomerCount offers its clients the opportunity to integrate Salesforce with the guidance of experts. The new enhancement will be offered to CustomerCount’s existing clients as well as distributed to other timeshare/hospitality clients through MobiusVP.

The  timeshare sector has proven that Salesforce can be a powerful CRM marketing tool for lead generation. But it is not a simple plug and play solution. Once integrated, it can be immensely beneficial; however, it takes experts in both the software and timeshare data collections to ensure its success.

There are a number of certified Salesforce consultants, but Metabrands is the only one who has the experience and success in the timeshare/hospitality vertical to work with clients to ensure quality customer acquisition and higher customer satisfaction. 

Metabrands is also the only solution provider with the knowledge of the CustomerCount platform to make the data integration seamless. Existing CustomerCount subscribers will be offered a proof of concept at no cost for a limited time. For a demonstration of the power of CustomerCount and Salesforce contact [email protected].


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