The Yin-Yang of Unsolicited and Solicited Feedback

Part Four

“Using AI to Enhance Human Performance, Not Replace the Humans”

By Brian LaRoche,

In this blog we are going to focus specifically on how customer insights derived in part through AI and Machine Learning, are used to enhance your frontline humans, that is to say your Call Center Agents, to consistently improve their lives, real-time performances and drive ideal customer outcomes from every call.

The two forms of this technology specific to this article are:

  • AI Powered Quality Assurance Analysis of All Customer/Agent Calls
  • AI Powered Real-Time Agent Guidance & Alerting

Before I go on, let’s talk about “the elephant in the room”, Artificial Intelligence (AI). The often-held perception is AI, in the form of Chatbots, other automations or Robotic Processes, has or will replace human employees in your all-important voice calls with your customers. It doesn’t have to be that way!  Artificial intelligence coupled with human input in the design and execution of customer facing platforms is what I refer to as “AI/Human Partnership”. It is the Human/AI collaboration that gives organizations the ability to analyze solicited and unsolicited customer feedback, automate the quality assurance process, and provide real-time situational guidance to your live, human agents on every call within your contact center environments.

Let’s go a little deeper into the value of AI Powered Quality Assurance Analysis. We have all heard those familiar words when you call into a call center. “This call is being recorded for quality assurance purposes”. Yet the truth is, for call centers with a “manual” quality assurance program, the likelihood that someone listens to that call (or does anything about it) is less than one half of one percent!  In contrast, an automated AI powered quality assurance platform listens to and scores 100% of the calls that take place in your call center, analyzing both the “voice of the customer” and “voice of the employee” on each interaction. Now organizations can apply concise call score criteria to all agent interactions and provide comprehensive, AI enabled agent evaluations and guidance, thus removing the mundane elements of call listening. Because of the agnostic way in which calls are listened to, transcribed and uniformly scored in automated QA platforms, it also eliminates the unintended consequences of human QA bias.

AI Powered Real-Time Agent Guidance & Alerting is fueled by the insights derived from post call QA analytics (like common customer requests, objections or information desired) along with ideal outcomes crafted by your organization’s internal stakeholders. Once again, this is not “AI doing the talking” but rather AI powered suggestions, much like you experience in a car with driver assist technologies such as lane departure, forward collision or blind spot warnings. Real-Time Agent Guidance gives the real human agent the “immediate assists” for information, script prompts or next best action guidance support to optimize every call opportunity.

So, there you have it. While there is no doubt that AI and Machine Learning absolutely play an important part in a real-time Automated Quality Assurance and Human Agent Guidance, the platform is dependent on human design elements in the construct of how and what is analyzed, alerted and reported on. It is the human QA analyst, Sales, Compliance and CX stakeholders that set the parameters around how each type of call use case score is built and weighted, including the KPI’s, sentiment analysis thresholds, script expectations and real-time situational response guidance to your human agents. It is the power of AI and Machine Learning that provides the scale, consistency and even-handiness of analysis, the speed to insights and guidance that completes this AI/Human Partnership.

With the availability, ease of integration and low cost of today’s post and real-time interaction analytics platforms, these are no longer a “nice-to-have” but rather “must have tools”. For organizations who are genuinely vested in ensuring best-case outcomes for each and every customer engagement, now is the time to act and deploy these game changing technologies.

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