Going All In

By MobiusVP Sponsored Triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry

Earlier this year our MobiusVP-sponsored professional triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry suffered a hip injury that derailed his year and altered his training plans. During his surgery and recovery, Malachi continues to track and measure his progress and share it with us!

Recovery is a slow process. After a few setbacks, we are starting to get more aggressive with exercising and pushing the body to see what it can handle. And like anything in life, to get back to the top level, we must go all in!

Here I am pictured in a hyperbaric chamber to help facilitate recovery. We’re looking at hit training from all sorts of angles and doing all we can to get back at it.

Much like business, sometimes you must be aggressive, play defense and do both at the same time. There are multiple approaches to success and sometimes you have to hit all avenues.

Patients-Count by Mobius Vendor Partners is proud to sponsor Professional Triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry and share the importance of Measuring to Manage. Learn more at www.MobiusVP.com


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