The Yin-Yang of Unsolicited and Solicited Feedback

Part Three

“Make Meaningful Data Meaningful to Others”

By Brian LaRoche for

 So far in our four-part blog series, we established the value of leveraging the AI powered analysis of call center voice interactions and post-interaction customer surveys, and covered the mechanics and workflows to initiate and receive feedback from a customized survey reflective of the actual analyzed call center-based customer experience.

Now in our third blog we will delve deeper into how these validated insights can be effectively socialized and “actionized” across all stakeholder and customer touch points within an organization.

Whether your business has a fully evolved unsolicited and solicited customer feedback system, use only one form of insight analysis or are somewhere in between, it is essential that all customer observations are consistently and timely propagated to all customer touchpoint stakeholders within your organization. Seems logical, right?

Unfortunately, while seemingly logical, far too many entities fail to fully “democratize” the Business Intelligence (BI) data they are receiving from their feedback systems to all the customer facing departments in their organization. They limit their data sharing with 1- 3 departments, possibly Call Center Quality Assurance, maybe they might share with Marketing and or CX but think about the broad spectrum of customer interactions that take place. Whether the insights are from an initial inquiry, order placement, self-service challenges, cancellation, upgrade, billing issue, payments, service, performance or any other related issues, many businesses are not consistently sharing with the teams designed to deal with those matters. If your company doesn’t share customer data broadly, how can you hope to improve in those areas?

So now we have talked about the problem. How does one solve this all important “Data Democratization” challenge? Well, as your organization’s customer feedback source (let’s call you a BI Guru) remember the sheer volume of data you now have the power to process from your unsolicited and solicited feedback channels can be overwhelming if not appropriately synthesized into meaningful, relevant insights for your receiving departments. In other words, do not prepare a single report that covers all customer touchpoints and issues and distribute that voluminous “data dump” universally to all recipients. While it may have a number of gems within, most folks today do not have the patience or time to deep dive a report. They want and need the headlines that matter to them (think about how we consume news these days) and if too difficult to easily digest, that report you worked so hard on will quickly find itself in the trash file.

The good news is that BI tools like Customer Feedback Dashboards can be easily designed to generate highly customized reports that can be unique to each department’s specific data point requirements. With that said, we suggest you take the time to meet with your individual stakeholder departments and educate them on your current and potential customer data insights. Next, understand what each customer touchpoint group needs in the way performance improving data based on those potential insights, the format they want it in (Graphs, charts, tables, etc.) and frequency of said reports.

Once identified, you can create a mock-up of their custom Departmental Dashboard. Schedule your follow up meeting, agree (or modify) their dashboard design, establish when they can expect to see an initial report and be sure to institute consistent Output Review Sessions. This proven, time tested approach to data democratization and socialization within your organization will prove to be triple win for your customer insights program, your stakeholders and of course your customers!

In the final blog of our 4-part series we will share how your Customer Insights Program is the key fuel feeding your organization’s customer facing eco-system.

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