The Yin-Yang of Unsolicited and Solicited Feedback

The Yin-Yang of Unsolicited and Solicited Feedback

Part Two

By Brian LaRoche for

In Blog #1 of our four-part series, “The Yin-Yang of Unsolicited and Solicited Feedback” we established the potential to achieve a higher level of true customer experience understanding by leveraging both analysis of call center voice interactions and post-interaction customer surveys.

In Blog#2 we will delve deeper into how real-time outcome analysis of the “voice of the customer” in call center interactions can be quickly converted into the automatic issuance of a customized survey reflective of the actual analyzed customer experience. Let’s explore how this dynamic automated AI powered process works and the stunning insight results possible for your organization.

First, of course is the actual conversation or conversations that took place between the customer and the organization’s call center agent representative(s). These human engagements could be driven by an initial inquiry, a customer order placement, a cancellation, upgrade, billing issue, payments, service or performance related issues or perhaps a callback because their previous attempt(s) had not resolved by previous digital or human interaction.

The second stage in this process is the unsolicited, AI driven instant analysis from the real-time conversation analytics platform. This technology will quickly and accurately assess what was said, how it was said, when it was said and who it was said by in the course of the interactions and automatically report on the disposition and summarization of the interaction(s).

Next the output of that conversation analysis is then fed automatically into two connected, but separate platforms through enterprise integrations referred to as API‘s (Application Programming Interface). The first of these platforms to receive that output would be the organization’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. This now automated, highly accurate summarization of the interaction now replaces the cumbersome, often inaccurate contact notes and dispositions previously entered by the customer service agent.

The second, equally important integrated system is that of the outbound customer experience canvas platform. The system will take the analyzed disposition codes and issue a customized customer survey based on those disposition codes.

Now, instead of the customer receiving a traditional, all-encompassing generic enquiry, the survey can be led with specific questions associated with those disposition codes, including the subject heading on the email survey tied to the topics and dispositions that were surfaced through the conversation analysis. It is not too hard to imagine the likelihood of the customer participating in the survey and providing deep specific insights relative to that experience is exponentially increased though this integrated process.

Finally, with the survey returned and both the solicited and unsolicited insights combined, an organization has a dramatically clearer understanding of the customer’s experience. These revelations can be used in both the short term and long term to not only improve customers experiences in general but equally important, give each customer a clear impression that your organization not only recognizes their specific experiences but care enough to ask about them too.

In part three of our series, we will delve deeper into how these validated insights can be “actionized” across all an organization’s customer touch points.

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