Keep Your Focus on the End Goal

Keep Your Focus on the End Goal

By MobiusVP Sponsored Triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry

Earlier this year our MobiusVP-sponsored professional triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry suffered a hip injury that derailed his year and altered his training plans. During his surgery and recovery, Malachi continues to track and measure his progress and share it with us!

Sometimes when it rains, it pours. Unfortunately, having retorn my right hip labrum means another surgery. This will be my third surgery in two years on my hips. On a positive note, I am learning how to deal with these curve balls, bounce back and see the light at the end of the tunnel by keeping focused on the end goal.

Much like business, we will have our highs, we will have our lows, and sometimes we will have a few lows in a row. But we can’t give up. All we can do is continue to press forward, work on the things we can work on, and control what we can control.

My advice: continue to work and keep your eyes on the prize!

Patients-Count by Mobius Vendor Partners is proud to sponsor Professional Triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry and share the importance of Measuring to Manage. Learn more at

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