It Took a Minute (My Take on AI)

It Took a Minute (My Take on AI)

By Georgi Bohrod Gordon, RRP

So, here’s the thing.  For the past year we’ve been discussing the advent of A.I. at a very high level. What will it mean?

How will it affect us? Haven’t we been going in the direction of Artificial Intelligence since Spellcheck? And to be honest, I’m basically AI-Curious. I’ve flirted with questions and answers, requested recipes using specific ingredients, made press release outlines and product descriptions. Some of the quality is frankly pretty decent. A tweak here and there, and there again, you can make a robotic dialogue human. But every time you humanize the verbiage a bit more, those sneaky little intelligent beings learn more themselves. So, I’ve blathered about how A.I. will affect writers in various sectors.

Recently, a client replaced me with A.I. / in-house combo. Of course, it makes total sense. But now I am totally aware how quickly the trend is moving. To prove the point, I asked (of course) ChatGPT for information about that subject.

And this is what “she/he/it/they/them” said: Find out here.

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