Mobius VP-Sponsored Triathlete Dr. Malachi Henry Wins Tri Indy!

Mobius Vendor Partners sponsored professional triathlete, Dr. Malachi Henry, took home a win in the Tri Indy Olympic distance triathlon last weekend!

Participants swam 1500 meters in the canal, biked 24 miles around Indy, and ran 6 miles along the White River. This race has veteran racers and first timers. Malachi was able to come out of the water with a 2 min lead, increase that to a 9 min lead and end up winning the competition by 7 minutes!

Competing (and winning!) triathlons is all about continually measuring your performance and making improvements along the way. Another great example of measuring to manage.

Malachi will compete again this weekend in his hometown of Columbus, Indiana. This is a short race called a Sprint Triathlon which will test his top end speed. Good luck, Malachi!

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