Day in the life…

Chicago bound Malachi – the importance of data-driven decision making in triathlon training and business…

  • Patients-Count by Mobius Vendor Partners Sponsors Triathlete Malachi Henry
  • Spotlight the Importance of Tracking, Measuring to Improve Outcomes

Patients-Count by Mobius Vendor Partners is partnering with Triathlete & Chiropractor Malachi Henry to share how data, measurement and reporting are key to his success as a triathlete… and key to success in business.

Over the next few weeks, Malachi will be preparing for one of the world’s largest triathlons, the Chicago Triathlon, where he will compete in the Triple Challenge (3 races over 2 days).  Malachi won this event last year and hopes to reclaim his title!

  • Join us each week as Malachi prepares for the Chicago Triathlon.
  • He’ll be measuring and reporting his progress and we’ll be sharing it with you!

Malachi began his competitive endurance sports career at the age of 12. He has put in over 20 years of rigorous training and received numerous accolades. He’s competed in most major U.S. cities and on international stages such as South Africa, France and Canada. When not putting in over 20 hours a week of race preparation, he is successfully running his Chiropractic business in his hometown of Columbus, Indiana where he both lives and trains.

Patients-Count is proud to sponsor Triathlete Malachi Henry and spotlight the importance of tracking and measuring to improve outcomes. That’s what Patients-Count is all about!

  • Patients-Count is an enterprise feedback management system tailored to the health care industry to capture, measure, and report patient and employee experience at each step of the care journey.We can learn a lot about business and running a company from how a triathlete trains and competes. 
  • Business is not a sprint, it’s a triathlon.
  • To be successful, you need to measure everything along the way and make continual adjustments and improvements.

Knowing how to measure and manage your data can be the difference between 1st place and last place. Good luck, Malachi!

Contact [email protected] Phone 317- 816 -6000

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