BBB Tip Corner: Increasing Your Customers’ Lifetime Value

by Jennifer Adamany, Director of Communications, Better Business Bureau Serving Central Indiana

While acquiring new customers is always beneficial, keeping the customers you gain can be far more impactful in sustaining the longevity of your business. 

No matter the industry, businesses rely on acquiring and retaining customers and clients. Maintaining customer loyalty will improve your revenue, expand your customer base, and help grow your business. 

BBB offers five essential tips for increasing your customers’ lifetime value.

Mobius Vendor Partners is proud to be a member of and partner with the Better Business Bureau to help strengthen our business community. 

How can we help?

Helping you increase your customer loyalty is core to what we do at Mobius Vendor Partners! With our enterprise feedback management systems, we can help your organization measure customer experience and identify ways to increase customer loyalty. Learn more at