Mobius VP Sponsored Triathlete Malachi Henry Competes in 80-Mile Gravel Bike Race

Earlier this month, Mobius VP sponsored professional triathlete, Dr. Malachi Henry, competed in the Belgian Waffle 80-mile gravel bike race. The race was held in Hendersonville, North Carolina, and had a variety of biking terrains with 9000 feet of climb, making it a significantly different race than he is used to.

Malachi views events like this as a way to get out of his comfort zone and hone the skills needed to succeed on the big stage, and the same is true in feedback management. When organizations take a step back and honestly analyze their customer/employee feedback, they can not only see where they are performing well, but also help them to discover and improve on any flaws.

CustomerCount®and Patients-Count®are tools that can be used by organizations to gather and manage feedback across a variety of industries. You can schedule a demo on our websiteor email [email protected] find out more.

Be on the lookout for our newsletter next week with an update on Malachi’s Ironman 70.3 Mont-Tremblant in Canada!

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 About Patients-Count®

Patients-Count® is an online enterprise feedback management system tailored to the health care industry to help capture, measure, and report patient and employee experience at each step of the care journey. Patients-Count® supports 40+ languages with 70+ report templates and features the ability to deploy surveys via email, SMS, QR Code, WhatsApp, website, telephone, mail (via scanning technology) & more.

About CustomerCount®

CustomerCount is a feature-rich, cloud-based survey solution providing intuitive real-time reporting, fast turnaround on requested updates, and detailed and dynamic data gathering capabilities to support process improvement efforts, build customer loyalty and improve your bottom line. Developed and managed by Mobius Vendor Partners, CustomerCount was initially designed for the timeshare and contact center industries and is now used by organizations across numerous different vertical markets and industries.

About Mobius Vendor Partners

Formed and organized in 1999, Mobius VP, LLC is a business process design, management, and performance improvement firm, which later became focused on data feedback, interpretation, and analysis. Today, it is regarded as a leader in the design, development, and deployment of consumer and employee satisfaction and feedback surveys utilizing its cutting-edge, industry leading, technology platform known as CustomerCount® and its newest product Patients-Count®.