Commitment to Customers

Commitment to Customers

If you are reading this, you either attended the ARDA WIN regional meeting in Orlando, or you intended to.

In either event I hope you don’t mind a bit of opinion. I experienced one of the most educational events I have attended. The content was king – er, queen delivered by the most successful women in our industry – to the most successful women in our industry. And a few gents who support women in the timeshare business.

Fiona Downing, and Laurie Hansen, WIN chair and vice chair, along with Alana Witting and Lena Combs put together an event that taught everyone something. All the cornerstones were in place including philanthropy, networking, and mentoring. It is important to also note the back-channel group of ARDA management and staff were hands on. Catherine Lacey et. al. All women in case you hadn’t noticed.

Why me, a man, would care about what women think and do? Because from the very beginning my involvement with this organization was and is a living example of diversity and inclusion. They invited a man to participate. Does WIN benefit – I hope so, do I benefit, yes, I certainly do.


Beginning with perspective about the incredible diversity of the women in our industry and gaining some bit of insight into the difference in the way business is conducted by women and why. Why mentoring is so important and how to mentor. Men don’t typically share those critical business requirements with themselves so guess what, I have a competitive advantage. Thank you, ladies.

Whether you attended or couldn’t, all of us will feel the positive ripples of this meeting.

As always, feel free to call or write if you have questions.


Robert A. Kobek, RRP, President

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